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Last Updated: April 22, 2005

It's like the Game Show Network with Juggalos! We've got a whole Dark Carnival of entertaiment for your silly self, so much that we had to take over an entire campground! Your nugget will spin on your neck like a bloody Wheel of Fortune when you try to take it all in! Flavor flies out at you from behind trees, from under bushes, and blindsides you from around every corner! And it's freshness you could actually win! We've got more games than Faygo has flavors, so step up and see if you've got what it takes. Only the freshest Juggalos will stab their way to the top, but everyone can enjoy a little friendly competition among serial killers! Bring clown love and try a contest!

Keep checking back for a full list of the freshest flavor in contest events at this year's Gathering.

Ms. Juggalette
Car Show Competition
Ring Girl Competition
Wrestling Tryouts
Neden Game
Arm Wrestling
Contest Entry Form