Kung Fu Vampire
A famous count once said, "The Blood is The Life". But what is life, without a bangin' beat and a little groove on top of it? Enter The Kung Fu Vampire! This is the man who, from inception brought two things to the table: sharp fangs and a party for The Fam! This dead sexy creature has cemented himself as God of the Ghetto Gothic with graveyard bops that'll have you jumping out the crypt and straight into a Juggalo flavored moshpit! From time immemorial he has been here, biding his time until he finally found a place among the tribe, that's why we're so stoked to welcome KFV back to rock with us at The Gathering of The Juggalos! The amount of clown love this crypt-bound creature shows is as real as the casket dirt he stands on, so you know he's gonna keep the Juggalo party going until sun up, as only he can!