The following Gathering of The Juggalos showcase is not for the faint of heart. You will witness scenes of flesh being taxed and tested right before your eyes. Scenes of torture inflicted upon the human body, pushed to the dizzying heights of extremity. A carnival just isn’t a carnival without a freakshow. But this is The Dark Carnival. We’re going full dark, no stars- but maybe a couple scars- with the Chronicles of Horror Freakshow! Squeamish souls should stay at camp, but for the adventurous spirits and morbidly curious we have a macabre display of gruesome oddities, sure to shock and amaze! Only at The Gathering will you see this level of extreme showmanship all in one spot!

ICP’s Mystery Seminar
When The Great Milenko waves his wand audiences are brought to rapt attention. The veil falls. The Wicked Clowns emerge, and Juggalos from every corner of the world hang on their every inflection, eager to hear the words of the mysteries at hand! Let speculation spin like the false floor in The House of Wonders! Whatever could this cryptic script portent? The only solution is to attend! All this humble Dark Carnival barker can say at the moment is, we are living in an interesting era indeed, Juggalos! All will be revealed in time, but to find peace of mind you must follow first this rhyme, then your Family in kind and see with your own eyes the ICP Mystery Seminar!

Juggalette Wedding of Metalface and Kris Sea
Stop by The Ship of Fools Stage to witness these 2 Wicked Juggalettes tie the knot with the help of Minister Tentboy Tiny Hands. There will be free tiny hand mementos HANDED out to those in attendance until supplies run out. The silver boys of Klokwerk E will be performing a small 2 song show after the ceremony. Bring a gift for the happy couple if you would like, but don’t forget to bring some Faygo for the after ceremony Faygo shower as these 2 frolic away through the loon woods to their happily ever after. Some Faygo will be provided, extra is appreciated. Do not miss this magical event that will take place on Thursday, August 15th at 3 p.m. Whoop Whoop!

Shangside’s Shindig & Welcome Home Party
Ahoy all Juggalos, scallywags, swashbucklers, corsairs, and pirates!! Ye best be ready for The Ship of Fools to sail as we welcome you to this fresh stage. Stop by as the crew from Shangside throws you a welcome party to remember! We will be cooking out potluck style, so bring a dish to pass if you would like to share your favorite recipe. There will be drinks, food, music, a few small games to play with prizes, giveaways, and best Pirate costume contest. Prizes for games and giveaways will be random, and the winner of the costume contest will receive $50 cash, and Shangside merch. We hope to see you there, and we love you all!

Tentboy’s 40th Birthday Bash
The Tentboy of Shangside is turning the big 4-0. Could this be the year he finally becomes the Tentman??? (Highly unlikely) Come by The Ship of Fools Stage to party with the legend himself. Get ready to party, and have your wig peeled back, as Brandon Buckingham hosts live performances from NGS, Matt Foy, Flapjack Wilson, Apollo Exodus, and Klokwerk E. There will be free gifts raining down from the sky out of Tentboy’s cannon. You don’t wanna miss this event!!!!!