2017 Gathering of the Juggalos - Welcome

Put in those vacation time requests now, ninjas, because this year's 18th Annual Gathering of the Juggalos is in FULL EFFECT!! First of all, have a DOPE new location in Oklahoma called Lost Lakes Amphitheater, which is the PERFECT place to host our annual family reunion in 2017, baby, where we be BEAMIN' IN 17! Not only is there plenty of wide, open space to roam about and pitch a campsite in, but there's also a big ass lake to swim in, lots of trees under which to sit in the shade with your homies, and a dope main stage that we have dubbed the Diamond Stage, where all your favorite Juggalo performers will be bringing the flavor every night! And while it's not included in the admission price of your Gathering ticket, Lost Lakes also has a fresh waterpark next door that you can enjoy for an additional fee. Tell that sweltering summer heat to go fuck itself!
So WELCOME to the official website of the 18th Annual Gathering of the Juggalos, where we'll be BEAMIN' IN '17! We can't wait see all you Los and Lettes again in just a few short months!
The 18th Annual Gathering of the Juggalos
Wednesday, July 26 - Saturday, July 29
Lost Lakes Amphitheater
3501 NE 10th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73117