2006 Gathering of the Juggalos


This is the Order Form for all ticket and campsite purchases for the 7th Annual Gathering of the Juggalos 2006 outdoors extravaganza. All purchases, whether by credit/debit card, check/money order, or PayPal, all go through this Order Form.

You are allowed a maximum of 1 campsite Combo Pack and up to 10 individual tickets per order.

The list of what is available for purchase is as follows:

  • Individual Gathering Ticket: $150
    This is the base ticket that will get you into the Gathering for four days of concerts, shows, wrestling, events, and all the flavor that happens at the Gathering of the Juggalos. These are the same tickets that are included with the combo packs, and the price includes shipping and tax.
  • Combo Pack A, Lone tent site + 1 ticket: $175
    This combo pack includes space to pitch one tent in open-field camping, plus one ticket. (None of the combo packs provide tents—you supply whatever will cover you while you sleep.)
  • Combo Pack B, RV/Trailer parking + 2 tickets: $350 *Very Limited Availability*
    This combo pack provides a parking space for an RV, pop-up trailer, van, or other vehicle of comparable size on the campgrounds, plus two tickets. It does not allow any tents for sleeping, nor does it have any hookups for water or electricity.
  • Combo Pack C, Two tent site + 3 tickets: $500 *Limited Availability*
    This combo pack provides an open-field campsite with space for two tents.
  • Combo Pack D, Three tent and car site + 5 tickets: $850 *Limited Availability*
    This combo pack is similar to full campsites in years past, as it allows for three tents and a vehicle (of reasonable size) as part of an open-field campsite. Combo Packs A, B, and C do not allow parking at your campsite; Combo Packs D and E do allow one vehicle.
  • Combo Pack F, Lone tent site + 2 tickets: $325
    This is similar to Combo Pack A, but with two tickets for the convenience of couples and smaller crews, so your two-person crew doesn't get the bone.

Note: Lone tents should be no bigger than 8' x 8'. That four-room tent with indoor plumbing and its own kitchen ain't gonna fly.

Are you ready?
If so, then wait no longer and get your 2006 Gathering of the Juggalos tickets today!

Order Your Tickets Here

Tickets ($150 each):
